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Kosten eines In-Haus Contact Centers

Das ist eine Frage, die uns oft gestellt wird, und es ist eine schwer zu beantwortende. Es ist schwierig, einen echten Vergleich zwischen In-Haus und ausgelagerten Contact Centern zu machen, besonders wenn es immaterielle Auswirkungen wie Schäden an der Marke...

Version 9.3.0 released

In this version the following improvements are included: Note on new versions Corrections for call recording...

Video Podcast Series started

We have created a video podcast series for you to show you the different aspects of the call and contact center solution myContactCenter. This podcast starts with a short introduction to the use of the Contact Center Agent...

Triumph-Adler – myCC und SwyxWare

Group-wide migration to VoIP with modern UC solution from Swyx The short-term installation of a SwyxWare Proof of Concept convinced and initiated the group-wide conversion to VoiP. TA Triumph-Adler GmbH, developer of individual process solutions for documents,...

Chat as communication channel of the Customer Journey

Multi channel contact centers are able to use several communication channels at the same time. The most important communication channels are telephony, e-mail and chat. One of the most common use cases for chat are online shop systems and customer portals. By...